I've created a brand new technique! Be among the first to explore this with me

Wax ship 1photo shpd. .JPG

Using black & white images, anything  with 3D potential, (e.g. petals, fish-scales...waves),
we paint melted wax over the images to create 3D pictures

Wax silver fish square .JPG

Then we choose:

Nichola's Eagle.square lite .JPG
  • Paint with traditional acrylic

Wax Daisy .JPG
  • Treat with metallic powders

  • seal & colour with fantastic vivid inks!!

I will provide a selection of practise sheets with images of fish, dragons etc. These you practise on before choosing from a selection of gift cards to work on.
If however, you would like to bring your own printed images, choose subjects you can add texture to with the wax. e.g. feathers, scales, foliage, water etc. Print them on card. Use at least 160g

What’s included?
Use of all tools and materials
A Handout with step by step instructions and list of materials and suppliers where possible.
Wax heater and wax
A range of different sized tjanting tools, (to hold/paint the wax)
Cardboard practise sheets
Greeting card prints to finish
Gold and silver powders to create metallic-look finish
A range of stunning coloured inks to tint gold or silver finish
A selectin of acrylic paints
Paint brushes.

What should I bring?
Nothing, unless you would like to bring your own images printed on card , minimum 160g

lily pinker  .JPG
Dragon's eye liter .JPG
wax Dragon square lite  .JPG
Wax work .JPG
Wax turtle Square lite.JPG

3 student testimonials.
“It's lovely seeing them come to life when you add the gold and silver... they glow!” Judi
“I could get addicted to this” Jane
“It makes the picture jump out at you – makes it 3D” Louise.

Wax student square ,lite .JPG
3 wax students lite .JPG

3 places available each workshop. Contact me to book your place.
Cost: £33.33 for 3 hours. + £2 per A4 sheet to cover material costs.